Parkwood preschool and the preschool center have an amazing team of therapists. If you see one of them be sure to say hi, they are real heroes!
Lyn Boone - Adaptive Physical Education
Lauren Becker - Occupational Therapist
Ellie McHugh - Occupational Therapist
Nicole Melin - Occupational Therapist

Cassie McCreadie - Occupational Therapist
Diane Bowers - Speech Language Pathologist
Elizabeth Ulrich - Speech Language Pathologist
Becky Ross - Speech Language Pathologist

Holly Williams - Speech Language Pathologist

Erin Jahna - Music Therapist
Nick Schetter - Physical Therapist
Sima - Physical Therapist
Libby Wagner - Early Childhood Mental Health Therapist
Audrey Shirk - Early Childhood Mental Health Therapist