Attendance Procedures
To report an absence, please:
Parents must call the BHS attendance office (937-429-7547 option 1) or email (BHSattendance@gocreek.org) when the child is going to be absent from school. Parents must provide the student's name, grade level, reason for absence, phone number, and relationship to the student.
Parents may also provide a note the following day if the student was not called in for their absence.
For tardies:
School starts at 8:15. Students arriving at school within fifty-nine (59) minutes after school begins will be counted as tardy unless the office receives parent notification ofan excusable reason. Students arriving at school after 8:15 a.m. will sign in at the attendance office and receive a pass to class. The tardy is recorded and dealt with per the Code of Conduct. The total number of minutes tardy will be factored into the time not in school per House Bill 410.
Students arriving at school after 9:15 a.m. and before 11:40 a.m. will be counted as absent one-half day. Students arriving at school after 11:40 a.m. will be counted absent one full day.
For early dismissals:
Early dismissals are when a student leaves within the last 59 minutes of the school day.
Because Beavercreek High School believes that education is very important, early dismissals are discouraged. However, if a student must leave early for any reason, please follow the procedure below. Please communicate by email or message on the absence line as early in the day as possible. You may also send in a written with your student that can be turned in to the attendance office upon their arrival at school. Please make sure to include your student’s name, the reason they are being released, and the time they need to leave. Your student will be given a pass that will allow them to leave class at the designated time. If you have not given advance notice of the early dismissal, please call or email the attendance office as soon as you can. It is not necessary to come to the window.
Please review the Student Handbook or the district attendance procedures for further information.
Attendance Staff

Stacy Husted