Student Parking
Students must have a valid drivers license to apply for a parking pass this school year. Passes will not be held for those without a license. Past school fees (prior to July 1, 2024) must be paid before a parking pass will be assigned.
Students who are permitted to drive must park in the lot and numbered spot they are assigned. Any student who drives due to an emergency situation should report to the main office for a one-day parking pass. Any car illegally or improperly parked may be towed at the owner’s expense.
Students who wish to obtain a parking permit must:
Possess a valid driver’s license.
Past school fees must be paid (fees prior to July 1, 2024).
Complete the parking pass application form online.
Pay the parking permit fee via PaySchools online.
Properly display the parking pass at ALL times and follow all rules displayed on the application and parking pass itself.
Due to limited parking spaces, student passes are given to Seniors and Juniors first. Sophomores may apply for any remaining parking spaces. Students who drive to school must adhere to the set of rules in the student handbook and on the parking pass application form. Those who do not adhere to the rules may be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the parking violations section.
Painted Parking Spots (SENIORS ONLY)
Seniors who wish to paint their parking spot were given that information via their GoCreek email at the end of their Junior year. Another email with detailed information was sent to Seniors. The cost to paint a spot is an additional $50 on top of the $40 parking pass. Drawings must be submitted to the Main Office. Painting days will be announced with students being responsible for the cost of paint and painter's tape.
Water-based Exterior Latex Paint is the ONLY type of paint that can be used.
4-inch wide painter’s tape is required to ensure that a border remains unpainted in your spot.
The following paints may NOT be used:
No oil based paint
No reflective paint
No spray paint
No fluorescent paint
No paint sprayers
No clear coat
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
With all students returning to in-person learning, our lots will be VERY busy with buses, student parking and students entering the building.
Student drop-off and pick-up is limited to the RED arrowed areas (see diagram below) for student and staff safety.
Parents are not to drop-off or pick-up their student near the main entrance, baseball fields, or Dayton-Xenia side of BHS.

Dismissal Bus Locations
A bus map will be posted when it is updated for the 24-25 school year.