
Lauren Cole, RN, BSN, MSEd, School Nurse -

Clinic Contact Information

  • Clinic direct line: 937-458-2562 (please call with specific questions)

  • Fax number: 937-429-7690 (you may have your Doctor fax us information)

Medical Forms

In Ohio, children must have been immunized against the common childhood diseases prior to entrance to the school. If you have any questions about immunizations, please call the school nurse. Immunization records should be provided on or before the first day for a new student. By state law, any student not up to date on immunizations must be excluded after 14 school days if he or she is not in process of obtaining these immunizations

Sickness Policies

Beavercreek Schools' policies with regard to sickness follow:

  • Fever:  If a child has a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, they are to remain home until they are fever-free for 24 hours. (This does not mean fever-free after taking Tylenol or Motrin). 

  • Vomiting:  Child may return to school after 24 hours from the last episode of vomiting.

 Student Health Records

The School Nurse is responsible for the maintenance of accurate student health records. This includes the enforcement of state laws regarding immunizations.

Special Needs

Beavercreek Schools' student population includes students with a variety of special medical as well as educational needs. The nurses assist in meeting these needs by performing skilled nursing procedures such as diabetic blood sugar testing, tube feedings, and urethral catheterization as needed.


In the interest of student health and in promoting good health practices, Beavercreek City Schools conducts a program of health screenings. These screenings are conducted according to the guidelines of the Ohio Department of Health.  At Valley Elementary, these include:

Vision Screening
Hearing Screening
Pre-Kindergarten Screening

Although not conducted routinely, other screenings occur as needed. These include:

Pediculoses (head lice)
Hypertension (blood pressure)
Height and Weight

Other Programs

A hand washing program is conducted in the 1st-grade classrooms by Mrs. Curry in November or December. This program helps the children understand the concept of germs and the importance of handwashing in preventing illness. Children get to use "glow germ" lotion on their hands, which glows under a black light, and then wash their hands to see if they got it all off. They also bring a chart home to keep track of when they are washing their hands.

Other classroom programs conducted by the School Nurse include a "Human Growth and Development" presentation in the spring. This program is presented to 4th and 5th-grade boys and girls separately and helps them to understand the changes that their bodies are or soon will be going through during early puberty.

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