Welcome to the Fairbrook PTO page! We're glad you are here, come join us!!
For up to date detailed information, please visit our website at:
What We Do
Build a cooperative relationship between parents and teachers.
Provide a communication forum for parents .
Facilitate the purchase of equipment and materials that are not financed by the district or state.
PTO Board
Ashley Ritchie- President,
Alison Heacock- Vice President,
Lindsay Burger- 2nd VP (volunteers),
Elizabeth Foor- Treasurer,
Tracey Milstead- Recording Secretary,
Cheryl Salvatore- Corresponding Secretary,
Christine Carenza - Staff Liaison,
Join our parent Facebook Group
If you are a parent or primary caregiver, join our private Facebook group to see all of the things happening at the school and connect with other parents! Please be sure to answer the questions for approval.
Like and follow our Facebook page to stay up to date on all of the PTO News!
Meeting Schedule
Meetings are held in the IMC at 6:30pm
Thursday September 5th
Monday October 7th
Thursday November 7th
Thursday January 9th **Social Hour AT EUDORA
Thursday February 6th
Monday March 3rd
Thursday April 3rd
Thursday May 1st
**New this year! Include your students' homeroom teacher on the sign in sheet at the meetings. After the April meeting the homeroom with the highest parent attendance will earn a class prize!**