Mark your calendar for "Launch into Middle School" on Monday, February 10th - a day dedicated to kicking off all things scheduling and middle school preparation! This day includes:
For Students (During School Day):
A scheduling video presentation in their classrooms
A presentation from our Band and Choir directors, featuring current CMS student musicians
A panel discussion with current middle school students sharing their experiences, tips, and advice
For Parents:
Incoming 6th Grade Parent Meeting at 6:00 PM in the CMS Commons
Comprehensive overview of course scheduling
Building tours following the presentation
Q&A session with staff
Students are welcome to attend with their parents!
Important Scheduling Information: The main decision for 6th grade registration will be choosing between Band, Choir, or Study Hall. On February 10th, you'll receive an email with a link to the Course Request Form. The form deadline is Tuesday, February 18th.
If you have any questions before our meeting, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Coy Middle School office. Their contact information is below.
Andrea Ferguson, Principal,
Kyle Sigmon, Assistant Principal,
Lindsay Mann, Counselor for Last Names A-K,
Emily Kiger, Counselor for Last Names L-Z,
If you are unable to attend the parent meeting? Don't worry - we'll share all presentation materials on our website on February 11th.
Important Dates:
Monday, February 10 - Scheduling Presentation (video) for all 5th Graders
Monday, February 10 - Band and Choir Presentations to Elementary Schools
Monday, February 10 - Incoming 6th Grade Parent Meeting, 6pm, Coy Commons, 6pm
Monday, February 10 - Course Request Form (Google Form) Sent to Families via Email
Tuesday, February 18 - Course Request Form Due
Monday, March 10 - Course Request Confirmation Sent to Families via Email
May (Date/Time TBD) - 5th Grade Class Visits to Coy Middle School
May (Date/Time TBD) - Incoming 6th Grade Open House