Welcome back to Parkwood Elementary School!
As a School Counselor, it is my job to assist students in developing skills that encourage success in the personal/social, academic, and career domains. I provide the following services as part of a comprehensive school counseling program:
Individual Counseling
Small-Group Counseling
Counselor Led Classroom Instruction
Consultation & Collaboration with parents, teachers, administrators, and other education and healthcare professionals.
Test Coordination
Recommendation of outside referral sources
Supplying resources and information to students and their families
Individual Counseling
Students can be seen for individual counseling by self-referral, parent, teacher or administrator request. Possible topics for individual counseling may include but are not limited to:
Conflict resolution
Feelings expression
Grief & Loss
Academic performance
Goal Setting
Social Skills
Transition to a new school
To request that your child be seen by the school counselor please call or email.
Direct Phone Number: (937)458-2336
Small Group Counseling
In addition to individual counseling I also see students in a small group setting that focuses on a variety of topics based on the needs of students and staff. Some of the possible topics for small group include but are not limited to:
New Student Group
Military Kids
Changing Families
Social Skills
Grief & Loss
In most cases students are recommended for participation in a group. Parents/Guardians will be notified by letter if your child has been recommended for a group. All group participation is optional.
Cassidy Di Giorgi
Classroom Visits
Classroom Visits consist of counselor led instruction that occurs in student classrooms. Mrs. Di Giorgi will visit K-3 classrooms monthly for 30 minutes. Lessons will address topics in the academic, personal/social and career exploration domains. Examples include but are not limted to friendship, conflict resolution, accepting differences, and caring for ourselves and others. All topics will support the district's 6 pillars of character: Respect, Citizenship, Caring, Fairness, Trustworthiness, and Responsibility.
Mrs. Di Giorgi will also visit 4th and 5th grade classrooms on a schedule that meets the needs of the students and classroom teacher.
Six Pillars of Character
Parkwood Elementary is proud to participate in a district wide Character Education Program that teaches, encourages and models the development of prosocial behaviors in our students. The program consists of six pillars of character:
Each month we will focus on our "buzz word" through announcements, classroom lessons, modeling and recognizing students who act as positive role models for that month's character trait. We will kick off the month's focus on the first Wednesday of each month through Character Education day.
On Character Education Day we will introduce the character word to students and discuss what it looks like, sounds like and feels like when we practice it. Both our staff and students are encouraged to wear the corresponding pillar color to school on this day.
Olweus Anti-Bullying and Prevention
The Olweus Program (pronounced Ol-VEY-us; the E sounds like a long A) is a comprehensive, school-wide program designed and evaluated for use in elementary, middle, junior high or high schools. The program’s goals are to reduce and prevent bullying problems among school children and to improve peer relations at school. The program has been found to reduce bullying among children, improve the social climate of classrooms and reduce related antisocial behaviors, such as vandalism and truancy. The Olweus Program has been implemented in more than a dozen countries around the world, and in thousands of schools in the United States.
If you would like more information about the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program please visit This website will give you general information about bullying behavior and its impact on school climate, student health, and academic achievement. You will find basic information about the Olweus Program’s components, state anti-bullying laws, overview video, and view short video clips from the program materials.
Although this program takes place at Parkwood, we need your help too. Families can talk about bullying and our school’s anti-bullying rules at home with their children as well as the difference between bullying and conflict. Please help your children examine events that upset them to determine if it is true bullying or a conflict between students. We want to work with you to educate our youth and continue to prevent bullying from happening at Parkwood.
In order for something to be considered an act of bullying, it must:
·Be an intentionally harmful act;
· Happen repeatedly over a period of time;
· Display an imbalance of power (which means the bully holds a higher social standing amongst their peers than the target).
Encourage students to use their words when they feel picked on! If they feel like they cannot use their words, then encourage them to tell an adult at school. Our goal is to address events that happen, as they happen and in the learning environment, educate those students involved, and teach all students better ways to handle difficult situations. We need your help to achieve this.
Parkwood Elementary Anti-Bullying Rules:
· We will not bully others.
· We will try to help students who are bullied.
· We will try to include students who are left out.
· If we know that somebody is being bullied, we will tell and adults at school and an adult at home.
As part of the Olweus Program, each classroom will have regular “classroom meetings”. These meetings will serve as a time for students to discuss what bullying is, our school rules regarding bullying, what to do if bullying occurs, the roles of bystanders, how to avoid bullying, and consequences for bullying behaviors. They will also be working extensively on building community within their classroom.
Parkwood is thrilled to have this program as an integral part of our daily building activity. Students will receive a consistent, reinforced message about bullying in a variety of settings. The Olweus program is beneficial to all students, not just those who are bullied or those who bully others. Implementing this prevention program will take a united, long-term effort by every individual involved with the Parkwood learning community. We are excited to make this effort with you!
Mental Health Resources
If you have questions regarding any of the following resources or require assistance in making contact or finding a resource that fits your needs, please contact Cassidy Di Giorgi, Parkwood School Counselor at (937)458-2336 or
AIM for the Handicapped, Inc
945 Danbury Road
Dayton, OH 45420
(937) 294-4611
This organization helps individuals with hearing, sight, emotional, learning, orthopedic and coordination problems to achieve their highest potential through the AIM method of Special Movement Education. Services include one-on-one movement instruction, a water program, recreational activities for siblings and parents, referrals, information counseling and follow up, distribution of donated items, and a newsletter.
Alcoholics Anonymous
120 W. 2nd Street, Suite 202
Dayton, OH 45402
(937) 222-2211
Alcoholics Anonymous provides a variety of support and information for individuals wishing to be free of alcohol abuse. Many AA groups meet throughout the area. Call for the location nearest you.
American Cancer Society
1141 N. Monroe Drive
Xenia, OH 45385
The American Cancer Society provides support for individuals with or recovering from cancer, or those with life threatening diseases; a one week summer camp for children with cancer; transportation to treatments; medications; dressings; hospital stays; loans of medical items; community health education, including a speaker’s bureau; and “stop smoking” and cancer screening clinics.
American Diabetes Association
8899 Brookside Avenue, Suite 102
West Chester, OH 45069
Offers a one-time, one-month supply of insulin for families in need; free blood screening for at-risk persons; education; an outreach mobile unit; classes on the control of diabetes; a summer camp for children with diabetes; an informational telephone line; and education scholarships for persons with diabetes.
American Heart Association
124 N. Jefferson
Dayton, OH 45402
(937) 225-3571 or 1-800-242-8721
Provides several formal programs, including Cardiac Life Support Training; CPR Classes; The Culinary Hearts Classes Nutrition Program; the Worksite Wellness Program; the School Lunch Training Program; and various school site education programs.
American Red Cross, Greene County Service Center
130 W. Second St.
Xenia, OH 45385
(937) 372-9983 ext. 11
Provides emergency housing; youth services help for military and veteran families, including counseling; tutoring in English; health and safety education; assistance to food pantries; and loans of medical equipment to families in need.
A New Direction For Counseling
1411 N. Fairfield Rd.
Beavercreek, OH 45432
(937) 426-2686
Provides mental health services for children and adolescents.
Good Samaritan Hospital
2222 Philadelphia Drive
Dayton, OH 45406
(937) 276-8773
Ask-a-Nurse provides health care information and referral 24 hours per day.
Big Brothers / Big Sisters
184 Salem Avenue, Room 235
Dayton, OH 45406
(937) 220-6850
This program pairs a child with an adult community volunteer (male or female) to serve as a "surrogate" parent to offer one-on-one role modeling, support and companionship.
Bridge Riding for the Disabled
2981 E. Lytle-Five Points Road
Waynesville, OH 45068
Provides therapeutic and recreational horseback riding for children and adults with any disabilities recognized by the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), including physical disabilities, mental retardation, developmental delays, emotional disabilities, and learning disabilities.
Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation
1147 Bellbrook Avenue
Xenia, OH 45385
(937) 372-4415 or (937) 426-1475
Provides counseling and planning, personal and work adjustment training, vocational training, training supplies and books, occupational supplies, and job placement services. Babysitting is provided for all programs.
Child Care Clearinghouse
414 Valley Street
Dayton, OH 45404
(937) 461-0600
Provides a database of child care agencies and individuals, telephone counseling for families needing childcare, training and technical assistance to child care providers and support and advocacy for families.
Children's Medical Center
1 Childrens Plaza
Dayton, OH 45404
(937) 641-3000 or (937) 226-8300
Provides assessment and management of childhood medical, developmental and behavioral issues with multidisciplinary teams, including doctors, nurses, dieticians, audiologists, occupational and physical therapists, psychologists, speech/language pathologists, and social workers. Support groups are also available. The website contains a lot of resources as well.
FISH Food Pantry
(937) 222-5444 (Beavercreek location - locations also in Fairborn, Xenia, and Jamestown)
Pantries provide a three-day selection of non-perishable foods.
Greene County Children's Services Board
601 Ledbetter Road
Xenia, OH 45385
(937) 562-6600
CSB provides counseling, referrals, assessment and investigation of child abuse and neglect, and determination of the need for protective custody; assistance with arranging supportive services such a homemaker and daycare; and foster parent training and child placement. Families can receive services in the home.
Greene County Domestic Violence Program
PO Box 271
Xenia, OH 45385
(937) 372-4552
This program offers 24-hour emergency services for victims of sexual assault, child sexual abuse, and domestic violence; 24-hour assistance with related legal matters; a domestic violence shelter for women and children; support groups and counseling; court appointment; and outreach.
Greene County Educational Service Center
360 E. Enon Road
Yellow Springs, OH 45387
(937) 767-1303
Provides preschool services for children with special needs as well as typically-developing children in cooperation with the seven Greene County school districts. Their website has a wealth of information and resources.
Greene County Public Library
3618 Dayton-Xenia Road
Beavercreek, OH 45432
(937) 426-4442
Greene County Juvenile Court
2100 Greene Way Boulevard
Xenia, OH 45385
(937) 562-4049 (Contact Grace Winner)
The Greene County Juvenile Court sponsors quite a few programs designed for families that may have concerns about the adolescent in their life. These programs are designed as preventative programs prior to the child becoming court-involved.
Kettering Youth Services
5350 Lamme Road
Dayton, OH 45439
(937) 534-0125
Provides a comprehensive in-patient program providing assessment and therapeutic treatment for children ages 4-17 undergoing depression, anxiety disorders, behavior problems, etc. Staff also provide family therapy and recreation groups.
Miami Valley Special Education Regional Resource Center (SERRC)
1831 Harshman Road
Dayton, OH 45424-5094
(937) 236-9965
The SERRC is one of 16 regional centers in Ohio that provide a continuum of services for schools, parents, and children on issues related to disabilities. Major tasks include identification, assessment, coordination of human/financial resources, in-service training, a library of resources, and informational materials and assistance to parents.
Oak Tree Corner (A Place for Grieving children and their families)
2312 Far Hills Avenue
Dayton, OH 45419
(937) 285-0199
A place for grieving children and their families.
Ronald McDonald House
555 Valley Street
Dayton, OH 45404
(937) 225-0047
Provides private overnight accommodations for families with a child hospitalized at CMC, including telephones and stocked kitchens. Free parking is also available. The Children's Medical Center is located directly across the street.
South Community Behavioral Healthcare
3095 Kettering Blvd
Moraine, OH 45439
(937) 293-8300
This community agency can assist with behavioral concerns.
TCN / Family Solutions Center
287 Cincinnati Avenue
Xenia, OH 45385
(937) 427-3837
This community agency can assist with behavioral concerns.
Parent Mentor:
Ann McGuire - (937) 427-0996
Cassidy Digiorgi

Contact Information:
Direct Phone Number: (937)458-2336