BAOTAP is a book robot whose name stands for: Books Are Our Thing At Parkwood

BAOTAP is a program designed to encourage reading at home as well as at school. It is for all students at Parkwood, grades 1-5. Students are encouraged to read at home and at school. Students will receive a reading log or calendar for each month.  Parents are asked to initial each book on the reading log or initial the amount of minutes read at home on their student’s calendar. 
Additional copies of the reading log sheet and/or calendar are available on Parkwood’s webpage.


  • First Book Button

  • 50 Books - Keychain and Certificate

  • 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 & 900 Books - Certificate and Spirit Stick        (500 receives a reading pin also)

  • 150, 250, 350, 450, 550, 650, 750, 850, & 950 Books - Certificate and Spirit Stick

  • 1000 Books - Special Award (Name on wall plaque to be displayed at PW), Certificate and Spirit Stick

  • 1000-1400 Books - Certificate and Spirit Stick

  • 1500 Books – Trophy, Certificate and Spirit Stick

  • 1600-1900 Books – Certificate and Spirit Stick

  • 2000 Books – GRADUATION!!! - You will receive a Medallion, Certificate and Spirit Stick

** You may count your books for BAOTAP as long as you are a student at Parkwood. A record of your books will be kept from year to year.**

What counts?

Students are expected to only count books.  If a student and adult take turns reading pages or paragraphs that may also count toward a book.  Discussion of what they are reading together is encouraged.  

First Graders may count each chapter in a chapter book as one book on the reading log.  If your child is reading a book without chapters, each book is considered one book on the reading log.  To increase fluency practice and comprehension, each book can be reread up to three times and counts as three books on the reading log.  Please write the name of the book and initial each time your child reads!  

Second and Third Grade will count the minutes they read every night/per month.  20 minutes of reading counts as one book.  Your child will have a calendar for the month and will record the minutes read each night they read.  Parents will need to initial each day your child reads. 

Fourth and Fifth Grade will count the minutes they read every night/per month.  30 minutes of reading counts as one book.  Your child will have a calendar for the month and will record the minutes read each night they read.  Parents will need to initial each day your child reads.

New Students to Parkwood will join BAOTAP with the average books read for their grade level.

Magazines articles may be read 3 times and then discussed with a parent/guardian (or a brief summary can be written) and will count as one book. 

When are achievement awards issued?

There is an assembly each month to recognize the students who have read books the previous month, particularly those who have reached a goal. A goal is reached for every 50 books read. Students will be given a BAOTAP keychain when they read their first 50 books that can be placed on their book bag. Spirit sticks will be given for every 50 books read until they read 1000 books and then for every 100 books read until they read 2000 and graduate.  The class in each grade level that read the most books per student that month will win the “Star Reader” award. A popcorn party will be given to those classes who have 100% participation.

The dates and times for the BAOTAP assemblies will be listed in the Parkwood PREVIEW Newsletter. We really encourage you to come to the assemblies and share in your child’s accomplishments. Children love to see their families at Parkwood!


MISOTAP is a math robot whose name stands for: Math Is Our Thing At Parkwood

MISOTAP is a program for second through fifth-grade students that encourages them to become more knowledgeable of their math facts. There are twelve levels to the program. The program begins with addition, then progresses to subtraction, multiplication, and then division. Students take a 3-minute timed test several times a week.

The awards for this program are given at the BAOTAP/MISOTAP Assemblies. After passing each step, a student receives a special pencil. After passing level six, the student will be awarded a pin. After completing the twelfth level, the student receives a certificate, a pin, and graduates from MISOTAP.

MISOTAP Level Practice Pages


The following links offer resources to parents in order to help third-grade students prepare for State Reading Tests.



Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium

Midwest Regional Educational Service Center

Ohio Department of Education