Grade 3-5 Testing Update
Our spring testing season is right around the corner. Below is the schedule for the upcoming Ohio State Test (OST) and some tips to help your child do their best on the test. Teachers and students have been working hard all year to make sure they are prepared for the test, but there are things that you can do leading up to the test and the day of testing to make sure students are feeling good and ready to do their best.
ELA Days
April 12 – Grades 3-5 (Part I)
April 13 – Grades 3-5 (Part II)
Math/Science Days
April 18 – Grades 3-5 Math (Part I)
April 19 – Grades 3-5 Math (Part II)
April 25 – Grade 5 Science (Part I)
April 26 – Grade 5 Science (Part II)
Preparing your child to be ready to do their best:
Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep the night before the test.
- Mark testing days on your calendar to help remind you and your child when the testing will take place and plan your preparations.
- Make sure your child eats a nutritious and filling breakfast. Avoid high sugar cereals which can make it hard to stay focused.
- Make sure your child is on time on the day of testing.
If your child is anxious about the upcoming test:
- Try not to put too much pressure on them. Reinforce that as long as they worked hard in preparation and did their absolute best you will be proud of them.
- Have your child visualize success. Encourage them to rehearse what it will feel like to get a good score on the test.
- Try to use positive language when talking about expectations of the test.
- Plan for a fun outing or treat for your child after the test has been completed.
- Keep a positive attitude about testing in general around your child and emphasize their ability to demonstrate what they have learned rather than the consequences of not passing.