Elementary Gifted Resource Room (Grades 3, 4, and 5)
Students in grades 3, 4, and 5 who are identified as gifted in the area of Superior Cognitive Abilities receive instruction from a Gifted Intervention Specialist within a pull-out Gifted Resource Room in their elementary buildings.
English Language Arts and Math are the umbrella subjects under which students learn to apply critical/creative thinking, research and close reading skills, writing, and vocabulary, using technology as a tool to support and further learning. Students engage in group discussions, project work, technology integration, reading and writing activities, problem-solving activities, and decision-making scenarios. Students are evaluated, and progress is shared throughout the year using classroom observation, informal teacher feedback, and rubrics.
The Gifted Intervention Specialists and the Curriculum Department work hand-in-hand to ensure the course of study is aligned with both the Common Core and the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC). An overview of the content standards taught within the Gifted Resource Room is available here:
Gifted Resource Room Communication
Information regarding the activities within the Gifted Resource Room is communicated to parents by the Gifted Intervention Specialists are responsible for sharing information about activities in the Gifted Resource Room with parents. Students are not given grades on a report card for the Gifted Resource Room; however, parents/guardians are given a Written Education Plan (WEP) with goals for their child. Students are also given rubrics for various projects and products, which they use to evaluate their work against a standard and to set informal personal and learning goals.
Gifted Resource Room Expectations
Participation in the Gifted Resource Room requires students to maintain their commitment to the demands of the regular classroom. They are expected to meet the following responsibilities:
Responsibilities to the Regular Classroom
Maintain progress in all subjects in the regular classroom
Monitor missed content while in the Gifted Resource Room; ask questions to clarify misunderstandings (which may include practicing concepts missed during regular instruction)
Complete quizzes and tests during the next class period
Maintain at least a "C" average within each core class
Follow classroom rules
Responsibilities to the Gifted Resource Room
Attend all classes scheduled for Gifted Resource Room
Stay focused on work and complete assignments on time
Follow the Gifted Resource Room class rules
Make the Gifted Intervention Specialist aware of any scheduling conflicts or special events
Regular Classroom Assignments and Assessments Missed While Students Attend the Gifted Resource Room
Students are responsible for submitting homework to teachers prior to attending Gifted Resource Room activities. Students are also responsible for requesting information regarding content missed and homework assigned while they are attending the Gifted Resource Room.
Students participating in the Gifted Resource Room are responsible for understanding the concepts missed while attending Gifted Services, but they are not responsible for completing class work assigned during that time. This will result in "excused" assignments within Progress Book and will make it necessary for the participating gifted students to communicate with their teacher(s) regarding concepts missed. Assessments missed while attending Gifted Services will be made up on the same day or on the next school day during regular class time. Homework assignments given to the class may also be assigned to gifted students.