Gifted Services

Beavercreek City Schools believes that all children are entitled to education commensurate with their individual needs. To support this, we are committed to providing children with opportunities to progress their abilities and to continually improving our coordination to better serve our students.

The goals of Gifted Services are to provide a program where students:

  • Develop and apply higher-level thinking and processing skills.

  • Use effective, positive leadership skills in the classroom and community.

  • Examine and form relationships among ideas and data.

  • Apply supporting evidence for ideas, principles, and/or generalizations.

  • Use logical reasoning, decision-making steps, and problem solving to come to solutions or hypotheses.

  • Use forms of creative thinking to gain insight (brainstorming, flexibility, fluency, originality, and elaboration).

Mission Statement

To create a student-centered, rigorous academic environment specifically designed to meet the intellectual, creative, social, and emotional needs of gifted individuals within their unique culture, while helping to produce self-directed life-long learners who will become productive citizens.

Parent Newsletter

Program Overview

Regular Classroom Services (Grades 2-5; Superior Cognitive Identification, Reading and/or Mathematics Identification, or Creative Thinking Identification Required): Students receive differentiated instruction within the regular classroom.

Elementary Gifted Resource Room (Grades 3, 4 and 5; Superior Cognitive Identification Required): Students receive instruction from a Gifted Intervention Specialist within a resource room at their elementary building. Visit the Gifted Resource Room page to learn more about the curriculum and student expectations.

Gifted Services for Grades 6-12: Gifted services are provided to gifted students in grades 6-12 through a variety of options, including honors courses, AP courses, CCP courses, early graduation, and flexible credit.

All programs are evaluated annually.

Gifted Identification Testing
Beavercreek City Schools conducts whole-group screening for gifted identification in the spring of second and fourth grade using the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). These tests are used to screen for gifted identification and measure cognitive ability. Based on the results of the CogAT, students are then screened for Creative Thinking identification. Whole-group Gifted screening and identification based on the MAP assessments in grades 2-8 may result in gifted identification in reading and mathematics.

Students may be nominated for possible gifted identification at any grade level; the district conducts small group testing twice a year for this purpose. Nomination forms are available on the Information and Forms page.  

Acceleration and Early Entrance Procedures
In accordance to regulations from the Ohio Department of Education, Beavercreek City Schools uses the Iowa Acceleration Scale in evaluating students for early entrance and acceleration candidates. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Gifted Education Services. Nomination forms are available on the Information and Forms page.