Homebound Supplemental Instruction

In order for a student to receive home instruction, the Parent/Guardian shall make a written or verbal request to the building coordinator where the child attends school (see below).  The HBSI Building Coordinator will coordinate a meeting with the parent, school counselor, school nurse, and general education teacher(s) to gather initial information regarding the reason for the request and discuss whether a disability is suspected [504/IDEA]. A follow-up meeting will be scheduled to review the evaluation results and discuss the need for HBSI.  If the student is found to have a disability and that disability requires HBSI, a final meeting will be scheduled to discuss the procedures that will be followed, including the schedule of classes, assignment requirements and timelines, possible accommodations, and communication methods.

HBSI Building Coordinators
Beavercreek High School – 
Laura Bailey, 937-429-7547
Ferguson Hall- 
Justin Cochran, 937429-7533
Coy Middle School – 
Kyle Sigmon, 937-429-7577
Ankeney Middle School – 
Andrea Durham, 937-429-7567
Fairbrook Elementary – 
Joell Mangan, 937-429-7616
Trebein Elementary – 
Lisa Walk, 937-458-2300
Main Elementary – 
Jonathan Webb, 937-429-7588
Parkwood Elementary – 
Sue Bamford, 937-429-7604
Shaw Elementary – 
Susan Peveler, 937-429-7610
Valley Elementary – 
Sarah Chivington, 937-429-7597

Parent Responsibilities

  • Ensure students complete work between tutoring sessions and that all assignments are completed and timelines are met.

  • Monitor tutoring sessions in collaboration with the HBSI Tutor to ensure sessions are scheduled on a regular basis.

  • Communicate any concerns to the HBSI Building Coordinator.

  • Contact the HBSI Building Coordinator if your child has medical issues preventing him/her from completing work.

  • Be aware of end of quarter and semester dates and makes sure the student has work completed for these deadlines.

  • Stay in contact with HBSI Building Coordinator throughout the HBSI period and initiate communication at least 2 weeks prior to the end of the semester if work will not be completed to devise a plan. (HBSI can only extend 2 weeks after the last day of school if there are hours to complete).

  • Provide new consent form with doctor’s signature when required. Full-time HBSI students must provide a new form each semester. Part-time HBSI students must provide a new form every quarter.

  • Review and sign weekly Student Attendance Sheet provided by the HBSI Tutor.


If you are interested in becoming a Homebound Supplemental Instruction Tutor, or you need to renew your application for the upcoming school year, contact stephanie.sainz@gocreek.org.